Tax Credit Information for Individuals
Individual taxpayers are able to redirect 100% of their Alabama state tax liability to Scholarships for Kids and receive a dollar-to-dollar tax credit in return. The annual maximum tax credit available on an individual return is $100,000.
The Alabama Accountability Act currently establishes an annual $40 million statewide limit on the tax credits. The credits are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis, and may be carried forward for 3 years.
Donate Quarterly:
Those who make quarterly tax payments can donate 100% of each quarter’s tax liability to Scholarships for Kids with no penalty, not to exceed $100,000 annually, and receive a dollar-for-dollar state tax credit.
In all cases, please consult with your tax advisor. If you have questions or need assistance making your gift, please contact Ann Perry at (205)769-0048 or