The Cornerstone Schools of Alabama Child Nutrition Program participates in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast programs. Our elementary school also participates in the After School Snack Program and the Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Program. Our team of school nutrition employees serves more than 140,000 quality, appealing meals to students annually. All meals are nutritionally balanced and adhere to the federal nutrition regulations set forth by the USDA.
As representatives of Cornerstone, our Child Nutrition Team is dedicated to improving the health of our students by providing nutritious, attractive, timely, and consistent meal services that meet state and federal guidelines. We believe that children who receive a healthy meal have an enriched learning experience.
In partnership with Cornerstone Wellness Policy, our Child Nutrition Program strives to ensure the future by promoting healthy habits. Our wellness goals include:
• Providing students with opportunities to be physically active before and during school through our PE program, recess (elementary school), as well as after school if they participate in sports
• Promoting school engagement in nutrition and physical activity promotion and other activities that promote student wellness
• Promoting community engagement in supporting the work of CSA in creating continuity between school and other settings for students and staff to practice lifelong healthy habits
• Establishing and maintaining an infrastructure for management, oversight, implementation, communication about, and monitoring of the Wellness Policy and its established goals and objectives.
Payment Methods
Payments can be made online, or with cash or check
- To make a payment online
- To pay with cash or check:
– Checks should be made payable to Cornerstone CNP (Memo line must include student name and grade)
– Please place payment in a sealed envelope with your child’s name and grade. Envelope should be turned in to the front office or sent in the student’s folder.