Week 3: Joy (2023)
The Gift of Joy
And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.”
Luke 2:10
Many happy moments come to mind when we think of joy: gatherings with friends and family, going to camp, watching our favorite teams win, and attending birthday celebrations. At Cornerstone, we have seen and heard the joy in our buildings as Christmas draws near. Our elementary students are learning songs and dances in preparation for their Christmas programs. The hallways are filled with paper trees and paper ornaments are being added each week. Our middle school students have made 25 tabletop trees to be given to families in the community to help spread joy. Our high school students hosted a movie night where the entrance fee was a Christmas gift for a child in need. Every single Cornerstone child is not only filled with joy but they are also finding ways to share joy!
In this way, we are reminded of the greatest joy the Lord has ever shared with us through the birth of his son in Bethlehem. During this third week of advent, let the joy of the Lord shine through you. No matter what you are facing, how long the to-do list, and how busy schedules might be, take time to pause. May the joy of Christ Jesus’s birth flood our spirits with such excitement that we too want to share the Good News with others!
Come, everyone! Clap your hands! Shout to God with joyful praise!
Psalm 47:1