Week 3: A Message of Joy (2024)

These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full. John 15:11

As we reflect on the joy of Advent, we are reminded of the profound joy set before Jesus—an enduring joy that was greater than any temporary suffering. We read in Hebrews 12:2, “Looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross.” This joy wasn’t just about a moment of happiness, but a deep, eternal joy that would come through His sacrifice for the salvation of all. As God looked at the birth of His Son, He knew the pain and sacrifice that lay ahead. But He also knew the joy that would come through Jesus’ resurrection and the reunion of His children with Him.

The announcement of Jesus’ birth was filled with joy, even though it was the beginning of a journey that would lead to the cross. How could God, knowing the suffering His Son would endure, allow His birth to be celebrated with such joy? The answer is found in the love that motivated Jesus’ sacrifice—a love that would not spare His Son in order to bring us eternal joy. The joy set before Jesus was the salvation of humanity, and for the Father, this joy was worth every sacrifice. Jesus endured the cross for the joy of reuniting us with God, making us whole, forgiven, and alive in Him.

This Christmas, as we celebrate the birth of Jesus, let’s remember the deeper joy that underlies it—the joy of God’s love, sacrifice, and redemption. Just as the wise men followed the star to find the Savior, we too are invited to follow the signs that lead us to Jesus. The joy of this season is not only in the waiting, but in the coming of Christ, the Prince of Peace. May we open our hearts to the joy that is ours in Him, as we draw closer to the table of His grace and experience the peace that only He can offer.