Week 2: A Message of Peace (2024)

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.”
John 14:27
At Cornerstone elementary school, one of our kids’ favorite Christmas songs to sing during chapel is “Follow the Star.” The song reminds us of the journey the three wise men took to find Jesus. They followed a star, a sign from God, guiding them from distant lands to the Savior’s birthplace. God used His own creation to lead these men—who came from far away and had never seen Bethlehem—toward the King who would bring peace to the world. Just like today, the world the wise men entered was filled with struggles—wars, poverty, injustice, and hardship. People longed for peace, but where could it be found? The wise men searched, studied, and through the stars and the wisdom God gave them, they found the way to Jesus, the true Prince of Peace.
The joy of the wise men’s journey teaches us that God is still revealing Himself to us today. He speaks to us through His Word, through the love of others who know Him, and through the beauty of the world around us. We read in the Bible, “Today when you hear His voice, don’t harden your hearts” (Hebrews 3:15). This Advent season, let’s open our hearts to God’s call. He is still coming to us, just like He came to Bethlehem so long ago. No matter the chaos of the world around us, Jesus is the peace our hearts are longing for. Just like the wise men followed the star, we too can follow the signs that lead us to Jesus, and there, we will find the never-ending peace only He can give.
🎶 Follow, follow, follow the star
Let it lead you, follow the star
You can take a camel or a brand new car
But whatever you do, whatever you do
Follow the Star 🎶