Let There Be Light: Krystalyn’s Story

“For God who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ has shown in our hearts to give the light of knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.”
2 Corinthians 4:6

Three years ago, our High School counselor remembers her first meeting with Krystalyn. At the time, Krystalyn was defensive and always ready for an argument. She didn’t care about her grades and had little motivation to do her schoolwork. She didn’t see herself doing anything significant with her life after graduation. Krystalyn remembers praying to God and asking Him to help her. 

After persevering, the Holy Spirit began to work in Krystalyn’s heart. She realized that she was trying to deal with her problems herself instead of giving her worries to God. She realized that God didn’t want her to bear her burdens alone. Krystalyn started to desire a deeper relationship with Him. She started to pray very specific prayers and asked God to change her life.  The Lord answered those prayers and she knew only God could have made this change. 

The change in Krystalyn was evident to those around her. She reached out to our counselor and they began praying together. Krystalyn began to live with purpose and hope. Our counselor shared “Seeing the change in Krystalyn, I was overwhelmed by the heart of the Father who delights in redeeming the broken parts of our stories for His glory. I feel so honored to be a small part of that work at Cornerstone.”

Krystalyn is now a senior at Cornerstone. She continues to have a steady walk with Jesus, pursuing Him and growing through Him. Krystalyn’s story reminds us that God is always there for us. Light is shining. Hearts are transforming. 

Let There Be Light: God’s Redeeming Love